
Tuesday, 15 March 2016

VGS- The latest cadet news

The last few days at has come to light the government are looking at disbanding many Voluntary Gliding Squadron's due to the large cost to recover the poor old vigilant. I know many are unset and angry at this news. Personally as much as its bad its also a good thing!

I done my gliding scholarship (residential) a few years ago was so much fun, I only got my blue wings. Mostly because I wasn't very confident and I we lost a day to weather so couldn't finish it off.

I know it must have been hard for those up top to make this decision, and so many will be affected. The last few years we have struggled with flying and gliding. With many cadets who have never flown but we can with the money saved, purchase some synthetic flying systems (or in English flying simulators) which is a positive. This as so many good uses better use of time and money. Yes you might not be in a really aircraft but the skills can be carried over!

I have been talking to friends but this recent news, and we have come up with loads of potential alternatives to the Vigilant that could be a lot cheaper. Like the use of micro lights, could create wing level activity centres (like regional activity centres) which could have several flight simulators, wind tunnels and ait traffic control simulator. So for me this news is sad, as we have to say good bye to the vigilant fleet but also a welcome to plenty of new opportunities and ideas that I am sure will come from it!

I would like to say one thing to all the staff that run the VGS's and that's Thank you. After all your efforts I don't believe you should leave (as I have heard many are), your knowledge gained can still help, check regional activity centres to see if you could set something up for cadets!

Saw this online, love it.

Thursday, 3 March 2016


Many current or ex servicing personnel will say that banter was born on the forces and plays a part in the moral of a unit. But should it be used? I personnel think not!

Banter for the past few years I have noticed, has been a common term used when a joke is made about particular person or groups of people. In the air cadets banter is very much used, even my friends out side of cadets use it on a regular basis between each other (many occasions it gets out of hand).

Unfortunately over the past few years I have noticed that banter has started being used as a escape goat for bullying and vial jokes! And personally believe it's better off not having these jokes because on many occasions people tend to cross the line or let it get out of hand. At this point banter becomes bullying or racism or homophobia or something else.

As many of you know bullying of any kind is not tolerated in the corps. So your best off not having a bit of banter with your fellow cadets just incase it hurts someone's feelings.

Recently I became a target of banter and it did cross the line. I personally now can't be bothered, I don't find it fun any more. Some times banter over social media can get easily out of hand because people are more confident in making comments that they wouldn't say in person and you can't see the persons on the receiving ends reaction so take it even further.

If you do have a bit of banter just remember before you make a comment is the joke your about to say going to hurt someone? If that's a yes don't make the comment. And try and keep banter off social media!

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Method Of Instruction course

Method Of Instructions (MOI) course

What's is the method of instruction course?
MOI is a course created to train senior cadets who have completed the air cadet syllabus to be able to pass on what they have learnt while as a cadet back to the cadets at their squadron. And also to help relive pressure on staff with delivering the cadet training program.

What are the requirements?
  • Must be at least 16 and a master cadet.

What does the MOI course consist of?
The MOI is made up 2 section, the first section is a day of training on how to plan a lesson, how to deliver a lesson and take in to consideration how people learn (so how to make lessons fun).

The second section is after the course, where have to go back to your unit and practice what you have learnt. Then when your ready and confident you will pass, get assessed by a wing staff officer or wing sector officer on your teaching skills. Once you pass that you will become a Instructor cadet and be given the yellow lanyard.

Top tip:
  • Be aware that you are teaching a lesson not doing a presentation, while I done my course many others ended up delivering a presentation rather than a lesson, they didn't get good feedback afterwards.
  • If your looking at doing the qualified aerospace instructors course (QIAC) doing this course before will give you a head start and lighten the pressure.

If you have any other questions please do ask.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

polishes review

Over many years I have heard many different ways to polish your shoes and loads of technique's used. Now I am going to look at the different polishes and other similar products used to see what their effects on the shine of your shoes are!!!

Most if not all use black polish and apply in small circles. I have had family buy me different black polishes, I found the top quality polishes such as Kiwi black do a great job, whereas the cheap alternatives must have other chemicals that don't allow the polish to shine up and some times leave horrible marks on the shoe.

Black kiwi
Cheap brand

I've heard fellow cadets and service personnel use other products along side the normal black.

I've heard cadets use Blue or brown polish in the past. Mostly blue as it gives the shoe a deeper shine, probably give a hint of blue as well. I don't think its worth the hassle!!!

I have personally tried using a parade gloss on my shoes, there hasn't really been a noticeable difference in the shine, if not actually made a bit of a mess with it. But you may be able to get a better result than I did.

Regimental Gloss

I have used bees wax before on my boots, about 4 years ago. they are still shiny to this day. Again its use to add a deeper shine, your meant to do 2 layers black polish then 1 layer of bees wax. If you buy the bees wax that's in a block form you may need to melt it, the queens guards have a very good technique if you look on their site I believe it has the method written. Its probably worth buying the more fluid form that is more like polish. Again I don't think its worth the hassle but from my visits to London, the guards shoes are incredible.

Another wood polish which works the same as bees wax

I also see loads of those rubbish instant wax application bottles, they are good for your school/work shoes but as soon as the polish has dried I've noticed it goes dull.

Instant wax

If you want any advice on polishing shoes, or disagree with my advice on this subject please do comment as I would like to hear from you!

Saturday, 2 January 2016

New Year

My first blog of the new year I thought I had better give some advice on what to achieve this year, mainly for cadets but the can be taken in to other aspects of life.

One of my commanding offices said to me the last time I saw him was to look for new challenge make sure you take your self out your comfort zone as it will be where you enjoy life the most. As cliche as it sounds, its very true! Since he said that I have been trying to over come my fears in life and try new challenges. I have always had problems with public speaking and tried to over come them by putting myself in front of groups of people. Now I am very confident and don't get nervous in front of people.

Try and set your self goals, aims or objectives. I have heard a few cadets want to get promoted, have that as their main goal this year, if this is you think about what you need to do to achieve this, whether it is to go on a JNCO course or SNCO course. Or even have a massive improvement on your uniform standards. what ever it, have those as your objective to help you achieve your aim of getting a promotion!

If you have anything you want to achieve in cadets but not sure what you have to do please, comment I will try to answer the best I can, and give you objectives.

I wish all my readers the best for this year and let me know if any of my advice helps. There's plenty more blogs that can help, so check them out as well.

Best wishes
Cadet Bloggs