
Sunday, 7 February 2016

Method Of Instruction course

Method Of Instructions (MOI) course

What's is the method of instruction course?
MOI is a course created to train senior cadets who have completed the air cadet syllabus to be able to pass on what they have learnt while as a cadet back to the cadets at their squadron. And also to help relive pressure on staff with delivering the cadet training program.

What are the requirements?
  • Must be at least 16 and a master cadet.

What does the MOI course consist of?
The MOI is made up 2 section, the first section is a day of training on how to plan a lesson, how to deliver a lesson and take in to consideration how people learn (so how to make lessons fun).

The second section is after the course, where have to go back to your unit and practice what you have learnt. Then when your ready and confident you will pass, get assessed by a wing staff officer or wing sector officer on your teaching skills. Once you pass that you will become a Instructor cadet and be given the yellow lanyard.

Top tip:
  • Be aware that you are teaching a lesson not doing a presentation, while I done my course many others ended up delivering a presentation rather than a lesson, they didn't get good feedback afterwards.
  • If your looking at doing the qualified aerospace instructors course (QIAC) doing this course before will give you a head start and lighten the pressure.

If you have any other questions please do ask.

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