My first blog of the new year I thought I had better give some advice on what to achieve this year, mainly for cadets but the can be taken in to other aspects of life.
One of my commanding offices said to me the last time I saw him was to look for new challenge make sure you take your self out your comfort zone as it will be where you enjoy life the most. As cliche as it sounds, its very true! Since he said that I have been trying to over come my fears in life and try new challenges. I have always had problems with public speaking and tried to over come them by putting myself in front of groups of people. Now I am very confident and don't get nervous in front of people.
Try and set your self goals, aims or objectives. I have heard a few cadets want to get promoted, have that as their main goal this year, if this is you think about what you need to do to achieve this, whether it is to go on a JNCO course or SNCO course. Or even have a massive improvement on your uniform standards. what ever it, have those as your objective to help you achieve your aim of getting a promotion!
If you have anything you want to achieve in cadets but not sure what you have to do please, comment I will try to answer the best I can, and give you objectives.
I wish all my readers the best for this year and let me know if any of my advice helps. There's plenty more blogs that can help, so check them out as well.
Best wishes
Cadet Bloggs
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