
Tuesday, 20 October 2015


In the Air Cadets we are always teaching and improving cadets leadership skills. But we never really talk about followship. Followship is a skill that all leaders need to have and everyone that isn't a leader needs also (specially if you want to get promoted).

Another word used often for follower is subordinate.

Followship is a skill we will all use at some point, whether it's in the forces or civi street it's an important skill we all need. There's a fair few people that struggle with being a follower, they are the ones that are very unlikely to get promoted (unfortunately for them), but it's a basic skill all leaders need.

To become a good follower you need the following skills:

  • Listening
  • Communication
  • Discipline
  • Respect
  • Sense of urgency

Listening skills are required, as a follower you need to be able to listen to what your leaders are telling you and take on board as much as possible.

Communication skills also include listening skills but its also how a follower should talk their leaders. Make sure you talk to your leader firstly, many cadets are to afraid to talk to their leader, if you do have any problems talk to the first rank above your own in the chain of command. Make sure your opinions/ideas are heard as they may be better than your leaders and they may chose your own (make sure its communicated as a suggestion).

Discipline is also a vital skill, as a follower you are on most occasions asked or told or even ordered to carry out a task set by the leader, if you have discipline then you will carry out the task straight away with no questions asked (obviously don't do a task which is unrealistic and seriously dangerous). A good follower will do as they are told!

Discipline isn't only punishment it is also self control.

Respect is a skill you should have learnt in life already from your parents but many people struggle to listen to someone in a more superior position and in some situations answer back. This is showing little respect for your superiors, followers need to show respect even if you don't like the person or disagree with a decision. Show some respect, accept that they are in that position and follow them!

Sense of urgency is a skill I learnt while on Junior leaders more than at the squadron, its very difficult at first but I see many cadets being told to do something and they take a few seconds to think about it. Then take a few minutes to get sorted, by the time they come around to actually do the task, about 5 minutes has gone already. As a follower just get on with the task as fast as possible and with no affect on the quality.

I hope this has helped any cadets out there, it is also good advice if your looking to get promoted as these are skills required of a leader. Remember to become a leader you must be a good follower first!!!

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