
Monday, 12 October 2015

Expectations of a SNCO

The expectations for a SNCO (senior non-commissioned officer) compared to a JNCO (junior non-commissioned officer) are very different, there's even different expectations of the 3 ranks that come under the SNCO.

If you didn't know already there's 3 SNCO ranks in the Air Training Corps, they are:
Cadet Warrant Officer (CWO)
Flight Sergeant (FS)
Sergeant (SGT)

                Many people stereotype the SGT positions as the 'lazy rank' I personally think you should not live up to this. If you're a SGT and now you think you can coast it, your not doing what a good leader should. At my squadron the SGT's are in charge of a flight each this gives you a small amount of responsibility, your flight is your baby you need to nurse it, look after it and develop it.
                I would expect my SNCO's to be doing homework, when I say homework I mean doing work outside parade hours to improve their flight, "what work?" your probably thinking, well its down to you what needs to be done at your squadron, suggestion your own flight inspection sheets etc. A SGT also needs to keep on top of the JNCO's making sure their doing their job and checking that the cadets are up to the expected standard.

Flight Sergeant:
                  Firstly if you got to this stage, very well done you have clearly worked really hard. For those you have made FS recently your going to find that things are going to get harder, so far you have had little amounts of responsibility, now you most likely have the whole squadron under your belt, its a lot of responsibility but you will get use to it. Just keep going and work hard! As long as your doing everything you were doing before and remember to continue to lead by example.
                  With FS you will find you will be doing a lot of running around compared to SGT and even more homework than before. Looking back my parade nights went so quickly because I practically never sat down.
                    I would say the difference with FS than any other rank so far is the fact now you can implement any actions, Like I changed the way we called the cadence out, I turned it into a call and response whereas before it use to be just the markers. So you can now put your own personal stamp on the squadron.

Cadet Warrant Officer:
                  Now i'm struggling to think of expectations for this rank its very similar to FS, what I would expect here is CWO's to have a bigger presence at wing level and helping staff other than that I can't really add any more advice here.
Really at this level you should be on point with everything! haha

The final point is your squadron is a reflection of you, if your not inspiring cadets by going on events i'm sure they wont either. Many of the cadets look up to you so show them the rewards you can get out of this great organisation. And don't stop leading by example.

If any one has any questions feel free to comment or if you would like me to add any thing to expectations let me know.


  1. I'm currently a cadet corporal and am really wanting the sergeant rank.. what kind of things do you think I can do to try get the promotion?

    1. Hello, so I recommend NCO course's they seem to some how get cadets into the correct frame of mind and improve knowledge. Try to get on other course's, doesn't have to be everything, if you like flying try gliding scholarships, if its shooting try and get your marksman. And finally lead by example!

      If you have any more questions do ask and if you found this helpful share with friends :)

  2. I'm currently a cadet corporal and am really wanting the sergeant rank.. what kind of things do you think I can do to try get the promotion?
