I have been very fortunate, I have been able to achieve 8 civilian recognised qualifications, those being:
- BTEC in aviation studies
- BTEC in public services
- BTEC in music
- ILM in teamwork and leadership
- ILM in leadership and management
- Duke of Edinburgh awards bronze, silver and gold. <-The RAF love DofE
Some of the courses have changed names since I did mine, but they have been great to add to the CV.
Before completing some of these qualifications I was in 2 minds, especially if the qualification wasn't completed within the time period you could face some charges (not sure if its the same now). But I am glad I did do them in the end, there wasn't a lot of work to do as much of the work had already been done, such as camps and NCO courses etc.
All of the BTEC's and ILM's had work books (except the aviation studies as its apart of the cadet syllabus) these didn't take long to complete and are very straight forward. Could easily be done over one weekend!
I fully recommend to do as many as possible as it will help with any job you apply for, whether its civilian or in the military. It may even help you go through the promotion ladder faster.