
Monday, 9 November 2015


In this blog I'm going to cover, how to polish boots and give some advice on which boots to choose.

How to polish your boots.

Polishing boots is a lot easier than parade shoes, with boots you could polish them within 5 minutes prior to parading and they will look good.

My polishing kit

When I polish my boots I use an old cloth, dip it in the polish and cover the surface of the shoe and welts. Then I get my soft brush and take off the polish until its shiny and also use a tooth bush (not my one to clean my teeth and I suggest you don't use your own too) which is to brush the welts and anywhere that I missed with the larger brush.

Getting the right boots for you.

Getting the right boots with very little experience and knowledge is really hard. Especially with such a large range makes it even more difficult! Since joining cadets I have had 3 sets of boots and seen loads of different types of boots used by other cadets.

The first boot I bought were patrol boots, you can get 2 types of patrol boots mine are full leather and there's another which has some breathable sides. These boots are really light and are very cheap. Unfortunately they aren't very good at keeping out the water, especially the breathable sided one's, many friends have complained about them and some have even tried to water proof them.

I have used bees wax on these boots which has kept them shiny for the past 3 years!!!

After my patrol boots started to fall apart, although they have lasted a few years and still look shiny, I was given some combat boots. I really liked the look of the combat boots as they have military style about them, but the ones I got were cheap, so had a few faults. But I am still using them and for the price they are very durable. The sole on these are solid practically unlike the gortex versions which is very bendy.

Combat Boots
I was fortunate to also be issued some RAF combat boots which were similar to my own but had a Geltex outer sole which doesn't like hot weather and will deteriorate quickly. I wore mine on a trip, where the weather was of a tropical climate and very dry. They started to crumble during the drip but they are well designed for the British weather and keep out the water.

RAF issue combat boots
I have used these mainly for field craft so they have taken bit of a beating.

I have seen small amount of cadets use Magnums and Altbergs. These brands are very expensive, with prices well into 3 digits. On the other hand the quality is second to none, I wouldn't personally go for the magnums as they look more like a boot designed for the police force but I heard they can be easily taken off with many of their boots have a zip on the inside ankle and that they are extremely comfy. I really like the Altberg design, for me its the stereotype military boot, its a shame they are so expensive otherwise I would definitely like a pair. They look comfy and durable which is the qualities you want in a boot as well as being water proof.

Overall I would suggest the combat boot (geltex sole) if you got a tight budget or if you have a bit more you can spend go for the Altberg.

If you have any questions or want more advice please ask. Or if you would like to add any advice please do comment below on this blog thank you.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Remembrance Sunday (hints, tips and check list)

Hello all, this blog contains hints, tips and check list so your ready for Remembrance Sunday. And hopefully will get you through the parade with out fainting.

First here's a check list for items of uniform you will require on the day. Make sure you have put effort into your uniform as its probably the most important day of the year and you want to look smart in front of the public.

Items of uniform:

  1. Beret
  2. Wedge wood blue shirt
  3. Black Tie
  4. Jumper
  5. Brassard
  6. (For Boys) Trousers and black socks
  7. (For Girls) Skirt and tights
  8. Parade shoes
  9. Geltex/crisp packet (if weather is looking a bit dodgy)
  10. And most importantly a poppy

Hints and Tips for the parade.

Make sure you have had a decent breakfast and make sure you have dehydrated, this will give you the energy for the parade. I've had many cadets faint even on a normal parade night due to not having a meal for some time. A chocolate bar doesn't count as breakfast!!!

If you didn't know its a military offence if you do not eat and it affects your work. 
i.e. faint on parade.

Next tip make sure your early, so you can help other cadets and crack on with a buddy-buddy check so your all looking on point for the parade.

Some times during the parade you will be standing still for long periods of time. This can lead to you fainting due to the heart slowing down and not enough blood being pumped to the brain. Here's a few tips, make sure you don't stare into space, instead look around keep engaged with your surroundings and with the parade. Try to move or rock on your feet this will keep the heart pumping and the blood flowing. Remember keep the movement small so you look smart.

My warrant officer always told us to move with in our uniform, unfortunately for girls, the boys could move their legs with in their trousers to keep that blood flowing. Girls you will have to think of something else.

Thank you for reading my blog, enjoy the parade, let me know if these tips worked or didn't work. I am sure they will, as I have yet to faint. Touch wood I haven't just jinxed myself now!