
Thursday, 24 September 2015

Expectation of a JNCO

As a cadet I remember the amazing feeling when you first get promoted, you feel ecstatic as you march up to collect your rank slides because all your efforts really payed off in the end. But up to this point you have only known what its like to be a cadet and now you have a whole new set of expectation to fulfill.


This blog is for those that don't really know what to do as a newly appointed JNCO (Cpl or LCpl). I am here to help, from my experience there's not a great deal of difference only 4 things you really need to do!

The first is 'lead by example', probably a phrase you have heard on loads of occasions. If you got to this point you must have put a lot of effort in to taking part and into things such as your uniform. What I suggest is keep going, keep taking part, keep on with improving your uniform, drill and knowledge just don't stop, Set a high standard for your cadets to inspire too! Then you will be great leader, this is the minimum expected of you.


I want my JNCOs as their primary job is to focus on the 3 D's:


I expect them to have set a high standard but I also expect them to at least make sure their own cadets in their flight meet the standards as well with regular inspections, advice and encouragement. This needs to be the JNCOs focus to allow SNCOs to focus their efforts else where, If SNCOs are having to make sort out the 3 D's then you JNCOs aren't doing your job properly!

If you want any more advice comment below.

Thursday, 17 September 2015


Motivation is an important factor which can either make or break your cadet career.

To be successful in any organisation you have to be self motivated, at the squadron I see so many cadets come through the doors all year round, those that do well are the ones that get most out of it. I personally see the organisation as an investment so try to get the most out of it as possible, I have seen plenty of cadets that literally waste their time as they  get very little out of the organisation. Those who are self motivated do the best, gain loads of qualifications and experiences that can help in later life.

Self motivation can be hard to find especially if your a new cadet, I found that a motivated staff team and cadet NCO team can have an huge impact on cadets motivation and input. With a highly motivated staff team, opportunities are more frequent and there is a bit of a push to get them involved.

A motivated NCO team can help as well, if NCO's are getting involved and leading by example this can inspire cadets to do the same. If motivation starts at the top it very much passes down through the ranks, almost trickles down. If all staff and NCO's are highly motivated the only way in which a cadet wont be successful is down to their own motivation at the end.

I find motivation is one of the biggest problems we face in the cadet forces if we are trying to improve all those who join, but its apart of life, cadets isn't going to be a everyone's cup of tea sadly. But if there is a highly motivated staff and NCO team it should increase everyone's chances of success and hopefully having a very successful squadron at the end.

Please add any ideas in which you think we can improve motivation on squadrons?

Sunday, 13 September 2015

How to get a good start on your uniform.

This is probably going to be one of the shortest posts I am ever going to do!

How to get your uniform off to a good start.

Well for this all you may need is a tape measure, maybe needle and thread. To look smart with your uniform it needs to fit, so not too big or too small!!!

Make sure you get the right size for you, check that the collar of the shirt isn't too tight and baggy. The cuff shouldn't ride up your arm while your arm its extended forward.

Your tie should should just reach your belt.

The belt must be adjusted so the belt passes the first loop about an inch after its gone through the buckle. (Just in case I don't mean the stable belt, I mean the standard issue belt)

Trousers and skirts, have to fit nicely on the waist and seat. the leg doesn't matter if its too long as it can be adjusted.

The beret must be level all the way around, if your beret is to big it will fall down, if its too small it will ride up. If this happens then you need to get a new beret.

Hopefully if you get your uniform to fit you will look smart even before you have to do anything with it!

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

How to create a successful NCO team!

It's pretty simple on how to create a successful Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) team, the key points are education and team work.

Firstly education, when I say education I mean NCO's knowledge of the organisation and individual development. They have to have at least a basic knowledge of subjects such as drill, uniform and the history of the organisation. If they have a high level of knowledge they are able to imprint higher standard's on to those they lead but this needs to be pushed by those up top to keep those standards improving.

NCO's also need development, many cadets lack skills required to be a good NCO, if there aren't told where they are going wrong they will never improve, once a individuals are given addition help on what skills they need to improve such as communication skills, this again should be those standards up and will also fulfill motivational needs. By having all NCO's attend a JNCO or SNCO course you will see an improvement almost straight away as they learn vast amount's on the course.

With team work, looking at my past cadet experience many NCO teams struggle to work when individuals have personality clashes, this is life there's going to people you like and people you dislike. In a team those differences need to be left out side the team, as soon as individuals bring this to the team, the team will split. The effectiveness of the team will reduce. If there is an agreement to work together as colleagues and have professional relationship the team can still work. Regular team work building tasks can improve the teams relationship.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Joining the ATC

Joining the Air Training Corps I would say is probably the hardest thing about cadets, as many cadets know, its a new environment with its own life style and ways. For everyone you remember being shy and scared for those first few months, especially if your warrant officer looks and acts very menacing (just like the one in the picture).

 For me my two biggest regrets are that I didn't join as early as I could have and the other being that I didn't take part in as much as I could have because of the fear of putting my self out there and taking myself out of my comfort zone. Because of this I didn't get the rewards that many other cadets did. Once I started taking part, taking my self out of the comfort zone is when the ATC started becoming enjoyable and exciting. Which lead to me becoming noticed by the staff, becoming promotions and a very successful cadet.

Polishing shoes

Yay my first post. I think such an important post needs to be a something big. So I'm going explain how to polish your shoes ready for parade. Woop woop.

Equipment you will require is:

  • Your shoes (important item I think) 
  • Black shoe polish
  • Cotton wool pads
  • And prehaps some water

I think it's safe to say there's loads of ways of doing your shoes. But I think my way is the best ;)

So here we go....

Stage 1- preparing the shoe

Before you start to polish make sure your shoe is clean and free from dirt and dust. (Easy enough)

Stage 2- polishing the shoe 

For this stage you will need to make your cotton wool pad damp, squeeze as much water out as possible. Then dip the pad into your polish. Next with the cotton wool pad apply the polish in small circles to the shoe until there's no polish smears. You may need to repeat several times. 

(It will take ages but it will be worth it if you want to get promoted, specially as leaders need to lead by example.)

Stage 3- water bulling

Next to finish off the shoe, run a cold tap, with a clean cotton pad put the shoe under the tap and rub the surface to wash away excess polish which will also give you a deeper shine to the shoe.

If you have any question do ask!